The most straightforward option for digital players who want to issue payment cards quickly and easily
Fintechs want to offer customers the option of both physical and digital payment cards.
Even if Fintechs focus on mobile banking services, consumers still need physical payment cards because they are secure, easy to use and accepted anywhere.
That’s why most new digital players offer their customers a payment card.

A card provides a tangible physical link between Fintechs and their customers and is a great opportunity for them to showcase their brand with an eye-catching design.
They make their customers feel valued and part of their brand community.
However, setting up a Fintech credit card programme can prove long and complex and needs to be fully integrated into the mobile banking experience.
Creating a card portfolio: A challenge for Fintechs
Setting up a card programme requires considerable technical knowledge. It also includes an understanding of the latest security standards and industrial constraints.
In addition, It is necessary to create market relationships with players such as payment schemes and payment processors.
There’s even more.
A card programme needs to fit the digital profile of the Fintechs’ users and provide a great user experience by combining an attractive card proposition with associated smart digital services, such as digital PIN, payment limit control, choice of delivery location and the ability to block card usage…
The good news?
At Thales Gemalto, we have developed a tailor-made programme for digital players needing fast and easy card rollout.
Thanks to our wealth of experience in the payments industry, we work with you to ensure smooth project delivery.
Mobilise the expert
Our offer comprises the five pillars of card project rollout:

#1. Connect Processors, schemes, and Bank Identification Number (BIN) sponsors… it can be difficult for a new player to connect with these key stakeholders. We help Fintechs to create the right ecosystem around them with the right local and global connections:
• payment schemes to define the card electrical profile,
• processors to generate EMV data for card personalisation and authorise transactions,
• validation labs to certify the card profile and design.

#2. Simplify: We know from experience that creating a card programme from scratch can be time-consuming. But Thales’ off-the-shelf card and personalisation programme allows fast and easy set-up with:
• A set of predefined options, including security features, consumer delivery options, business monitoring and activity reports
• Pre-certified digital profiles based on the main market specifications.

#3. Differentiate: To ensure your card stands out from the crowd, our expert designers can help you to create a unique design with our large and innovative portfolio that includes:
• card body materials (light or heavy metal, transparent, eco-material, coloured) and special design effects (colour-edge printing, tactile or highlighting effects),
• Graphical personalisation (horizontal or vertical, card back or front, flat or embossed) and module form
• and ensure a great user experience with exclusive packaging!

#4. Commit: With a worldwide sales and technical support footprint in all continents and all major countries, we provide a best-in-class dispatch and delivery solution, including:
• Partnerships with a wide range of transport service providers worldwide
• 25 EMV-certified Thales personalisation centres
• Thales’ strong end-to-end local customer support.

#5. Optimise: There’s no need to be an expert in physical card issuance. You can focus on your digital services while our experts select the best options to ensure a smooth card programme rollout. Our offer enables you to:
• Reduce your time to market from nine to three months, depending on your customisation requirements.
Benefits for Fintechs
Offering Fintechs outstanding cards programme rollout benefits:
- Fast and seamless payment cards programme rollout so physical cards can be deployed quickly
- Scalable for any volume, flexible to adapt to any change in volume requirements: Our large and flexible industrial operation can easily handle any increase in the volume of cards you require
- The easy geographical extension of your cards offers Thales’ international presence in more than 25 countries, allowing fast and easy transfer of your cards across many regional locations.
- Establish your brand personality with our disruptive artwork design proposition – browse our extensive catalogue of products.
- One unique and global partner for all your banking services and solutions needs: Beyond the cards programme, Thales is here to provide you with support across a wide range of digital services: digital account opening verification, virtual card and wallet, digital PIN delivery, convenient and secure authentication of your mobile app.
Why choose Thales for your card programme?
With its proven experience in delivering banking and payment projects to 3,000 financial institutions, Thales Gemalto offers the expertise that Fintechs need to ensure a successful card project deployment from the beginning of their card issuance project to the delivery of cards to end-users.
Thales has already delivered its tailor-made programme to 66 digital players that need a fast and easy card programme rollout.
In 2020, Thales delivered 64 million physical payment cards to Fintechs’ cardholders.
We support Fintechs from their first steps in the payment world to their rapid growth and evolution.
Thales uses its knowledge and expertise in the digital and physical payment arena to support Fintechs in rapidly deploying cards. It provides a large range of products and solutions to feed their desire for innovation.
Thales All in One roll out card programme in brief: consult our infographic

Thales Gemalto All-in-one rollout cards programme for Fintechs
The most straightforward option for digital players that want to roll out physical payment cards quickly and easily.
Thales Gemalto All-in-one rollout cards programme for FintechsMore resources for Fintechs
To find out more, check out our:
• Card design and printing options
• Eco-friendly banking cards
• Contactless payment solutions
• EMV payment cards
• Metal credit cards