FlytLINK Satcom
Designed for Business & Commercial Aviation, Military & Government, Rotorcraft and UAS, Thales FlytLINK Satcom solutions over the Iridium Network provide critical aerospace communications coverage for all operations in the air, anytime and anywhere.
Satcom system for cockpit safety services and non-safety services
The FlytLINK Satcom configurations support both Safety Services (4 LRU) and Non-Safety Services (3 LRU) for more tailored Customer voice and data based applications.
The Safety configurations provides a Design Assurance Level D Certified System that leverages Thales expertise in Cyber Security to provide secure three-way domain segregation across ACD, AISD and PIESD all in a single System. The Non-Safety configurations provide two-way secure domain segregation for AISD and PIESD Services supported by different speed classes.
Safety services
- Critical flight data offloading
- Two embedded Iridium 9523 Modules for Safety Services
- Cockpit 4-wire voice.
Aircraft and mission operations
- Integration for enhanced in-air reporting, service logging, flight crew scheduling, aircraft monitoring
- Supports electronic flight bag pairing (EFB)
- Enables real-time weather and active aircraft tracking
- UAS BVLOS C2 over Certus.
Passenger connectivity
- Office in the Sky providing VoIP and other connectivity needs
- Supports text, e-mail, web browsing and streaming services
For the safety services, Thales FlytLink offers a shipset with a Satellite Data Unit (SDU), a SCM and both a high gain antenna (HGA) and a low gain antenna (LGA). The solution for non-safety services comprises a SDU, a SCM and a high gain antenna.

Satcom for Iridium Certus for all aircraft needs and applications
Thales FlytLINK operates using Iridium Certus broadband services over a network of 66 satellites that cover 100% of the globe, including poles and oceans. It utilizes this robust network service to provide easy to install, highly reliable, mobile and essential voice, text and web communications.