Research teams in particle, nuclear and extreme light physics (X-Ray generation, plasma physics, … ) around the world can rely on Thales laser systems to push their work further for the benefit a wide range of societal applications of strategic importance : cancer treatment , space depollution, nuclear waste disposal, nuclear fusion.

Thales offers the highest peak power lasers on the market. Having developed and installed TW & PW sytems all around the world for more than 15 years, Thales stands out as the best choice for providing reliable laser system with performances at an optimum level, and ensuring the easiest upgradeability and maintenance.
The long tradition of innovation and technological breakthrough of Thales has lead to more than 40 patents related to lasers. Our unique expertise in nanosecond and femtosecond lasers allows us to master the design key points of high peak power laser system.
In 2019, the laser system designed, developed and installed by Thales at ELI-NP -he Extreme Light Infrastructure -Nuclear Physics in Romania successfully delivered its first pulses with a record peak power of 10 petawatts !
Besides technological breakthroughs, these successes are the results of Thales capability to manage very large and complex projects with high level of interaction with our customers.