Command, Control & Intelligence
In a contested environment, faster decision-making, better accuracy and greater efficiency are the keys to a decisive advantage for land forces in the battlespace.
The changing geostrategic context has led to a resurgent risk of high-intensity conflict with near-peer adversaries. In today’s increasingly complex battlespace, these hostile forces have the capabilities to act in every domain, including cyberspace, and allied theatre-level and tactical command centres can be considered priority targets.
To maintain freedom of manoeuvre and achieve operational superiority, joint forces will need ever more sophisticated Command Post systems.
The Command Post of the future must provide military commanders with the advanced systems they need, to have better situational awareness, decide faster and act more effectively than the enemy, while reducing physical and cyber vulnerabilities through better discretion, resilience, protection and mobility.
Commanders need agile, distributed Command Post systems that are quicker and easier to deploy and ready to interconnect operational command centres and tactical units. By networking assets in the field, these Command Post systems create a dedicated cell of information services that leverages all available information to optimise situational awareness.
Command Post
Command Posts are a strategic link of the military value chain as they are the brain of field operations. The command post is a critical nerve centre for achieving information and tactical superiority, accelerating the pace of operations and ultimately providing a Collaborative Combat experience.
However, due to its highly-strategic function, the Command Post is also a high-value target.

Command & Control On-the-Move
After decades of asymmetric conflicts, armed forces are facing the return of high-intensity warfare. At Thales, we believe that mobility is not just a requirement, but an absolute necessity to guarantee the continuity of the command chain and achieve operational superiority.
To anwser the growing need for connectivity and mobility for Command Posts, Thales has designed the DRAKON solution - Deployable, Resilient, AKcelerated, interOperable Network - which is based on four key actions: deployment, hybridization, acceleration and movement.
Our solutions
Tactical Networks
Faced with multiple threats — terrorism, natural disasters, border tensions, etc. — Armed Forces command chain relies on deployable and tactical IT / communication capabilities to efficiently coordinate and conduct operations from command posts. Their tactical IT / communication solutions must be robust and easy to deploy and redeploy wherever and whenever it is needed.
Recent events have brought about major changes in theater connectivity, with new uses: constellations, multiplication of intelligence flows, command & control, logistics... and increased vulnerabilities: interception and jamming of communications, repeated detection and destruction of command posts...

Satellite communications
Critical communications between Command Centres and operational forces On-The-Move call for systems that are reliable, available and secure. With the transition to connected collaborative combat, satellite communications are the only way to guarantee long-range connectivity, strongly shortening the decision making process to a few seconds, and giving a major tactical and decisive advantage over the enemy.
HF Wideband
HF XL Concept : the right answer to current crowded HF spectrum.

Nexium Defence Cloud
Data is crucially important in military operations today. The Defence Cloud gives armed forces the tools they need to analyse and share information in real time, from command centres in the homeland to units on deployment overseas. It enables them to make their digital transformation with the highest levels of security and speed up the decision cycle so they can maintain the operational edge.
Virtual Map
Thales innovative solution leveraging virtual reality for immersive and collaborative mission preparation.

Cybels Authenticate
Digital assurance, secure encryption, secure transmission and the authentication of data are cornerstones to keeping data secure in an ever more connected world. This includes the protection of data in transit and at rest.
Trusted Probe
CYBELS Sensor is a cyberattack detection system for deployment in critical areas of information systems. CYBELS Sensor identifies attacks based on detection rules and behavioral analysis algorithms developed by Thales research laboratories.

Cyber Range powered by Diateam
Cyber Range platform is a powerful tool to organize and deliver cybersecurity trainings (Pentest, Forensic, etc …) offering expert contents.
Cybels Analytics
This innovative security platform combines real-time threat detection based on analysis of known threats (Cyber Threat Intelligence) and Feared Events (Correlation Rules), proactive search for advanced and unprecedented cyberattacks (Hunting), and enriched investigation extended to network, endpoint and Cloud.

Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cyber Threat Intelligence makes it possible to understand and constantly analyse the cyber attack threat level, and thereby enable the confidence ecosystem to adapt its line of defence. With Cyber Threat Intelligence, qualify your incidents faster.
SkyView is an integrated air operations solution, managing military and civil data in real time, improving the quality of overall airspace representation while reducing decision times.