Naval and Fixed-site version
With a standard 19” rackable format and extended multi-band and multi-mode capabilities, SYNAPS-N/F is the ideal building brick for the flexible multi-channel V/UHF communication system required by all types of naval platforms as well ground-based systems (fixed site or deployable containers), whatever their missions and context of operation.
SYNAPS-N/F provides the high RF performance levels required in the field, including high output power and high sensitivity. Embedded agile co-site filters facilitate EMC integration and allow simultaneous multi-channel operation.
Multiple standard interfaces provide flexible integration with legacy systems as well as full radio operation through IP interfaces. In addition to remote control, an optional colour touchscreen control panel is available.
Main features
- Frequency range: V/UHF 30-600 MHz
- RF output power: 50 W AM / 100 W FM
- Channelisation: 8.33 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 25 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz, 1.25 MHz (others on request)
- Optional SIMO UHF feature
- Embedded multi-guard receiver
- Embedded agile co-site filters
- NATO RESTRICTED embedded programmable crypto
- Weight and format < 23 kg, 3U * 19” rack
Supported waveforms (SYNAPS waveform library)
- Advanced national networking waveforms
- UHF-Command
- UHF-Combat - PR4G Fastnet & NextW@ve native interoperability
-Including GeoMux, GeoMux HD and UHF-FFH (Secure Voice or Data Link) - International and NATO waveforms
- VHF ATC iaw ICAO regulations/ED23C
- VHF Maritime iaw IMO regulations
- Tactical VHF and UHF-MIL iaw Stanag 4204 and 4205
- EPM Have Quick I/II and SATURN, SEDR (future)
- L11 and L22 compatible (external modem)
- NBWF (future), WBWF (future)

To enquire about our solutions, please use our dedicated contact form.