Multi-functional Information Distribution System
Low Volume Terminal
Combat proven Link 16 MIDS terminal
The Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminal Block Upgrade 2 (MIDS-LVT BU2) is an advanced terminal developed by EuroMIDS, a cooperation programme by European industry leaders including Thales. The terminal features high-capacity, jam-resistant, digital communication links for exchanging real-time secure tactical information across the Link 16 network.
Thousands of EuroMIDS MIDS-LVT terminals are fielded on a broad range of military platforms including Rafale, Eurofighter, Mirage 2000, Tornado, NH90, A400M, SAMP-T, NATO ACCS Loc1 and the Horizon frigates.
Tested and qualified by the MIDS International Program Office (IPO), MIDS-LVT BU2 terminals provide the latest Link 16 features including enhanced throughput, cryptographic upgrades and frequency remapping.
The MIDS LVT BU2 configuration consists of two Line Replaceable Units: the Receiver/Transmitter (R/T) and the Remote Power Supply (RPS). Additional power supply adapters are available to meet the prime power requirements of specific platforms.
Main Features of MIDS-LVT-BU2
- Full Link 16 interoperability
- Secure communications
- Real-time situational awareness, command & control, cooperative engagement
- Anti-jamming
- Airworthiness and Tempest certification
- STANAG 4175 (MIDS) and STANAG 5516 (Link 16)
- 2 secure embedded voice channels
- Accurate relative navigation
- Embedded TACAN
- Integration on all types of land, air and naval platforms
Easy maintenance and integration
Designed to meet the specific testing and maintenance requirements of MIDS terminals, TMCT is the latest generation of MIDS support software. TMCT enables the operator to monitor all the terminal's parameters for maintenance or laboratory testing purposes, and operates simultaneously with any MIDS host platform application.

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