TopSky - AIS
NOTAM office and flight preparation services
TopSky – AIS provides an integrated and comprehensive solution covering all the required operational needs for Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) such as NOTAM, ATS Reporting Office with Briefing service including MET. It can interface with the following external systems:
Aeronautical Message Switch System (AMHS)
European AIS database (EAD) – Connected to EAD and used as EAD backup in Europe
AIS functions are available for access or management from dedicated TopSky – AIS HMI.
Database function
Flight data information
Flight plan handling
Meteorological data
Aeronautical data management
Data message exchange
Supervision function

Data can be managed through a graphical or textual interface.
The component is compliant with the new standards including SNOWTAM and IWXXM and is highly compatible with ICAO and Eurocontrol standards, and Thales works closely with its customers to understand and anticipate the evolution that will improve efficiency of AIS operations and extend AIS services.
TopSky - AIS benefits from the long experience of Thales in AIS domain. It is operated by many Civil Aviation Authorities around the world (COCESNA, Croatia, South Africa, Sudan, Abu Dhabi, Aruba, ASECNA, Brunei, Chili, Equador, Panama, Sri Lanka, Portugal Air Force, Laos, Taiwan, Algeria).