Automating the ACE-V process
The Thales Cogent ACE-V Manager software provides an intuitive, logical system that organizes by case and records notes, evidence, and annotations.
With advanced enhancement capabilities built into the program and integrated with ABIS systems, ACE-V Manager enables forensic departments to manage cases consistently and efficiently.
Designed with Industry Expertise
In combination with industry experts, ACE-V Manager was designed with forensic examiners to address their everyday pain points. Whether it be the large caseload and ever-increasing backlog or the manual paperwork that is done today, ACE-V Manager can address these.
What is ACE-V?
ACE V is the most common method of fingerprint examination worldwide.
Fingerprint examiners use the ACE-V method to reach a determination on each print.
ACE-V stands for Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification.
It was first introduced in the 1980s for the examination and documentation of latent fingerprints by David R. Ashbaugh*, a respected Canadian fingerprint expert.
Here are the four step-process of the ACE V examination method:
- Analysis: The forensic technician assesses the unknown print to determine if it can be used for comparison. This step involves the preliminary assessment of several factors, like the surface material or the substance of the print itself.
- Comparison: The examiner analyses characteristic attributes of the fingerprints (the physical features such as recurves, deltas, creases, and scars). S/he identifies conformities between the found and the known latent prints. Known prints are often collected from victims; others present at the scene or through a search of one or more fingerprint databases, such as the FBI's Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) or the Office of Biometric Identity Management's IDENT.
- Evaluation: the examiner decides if the prints are from the same source (identification or individualization), different sources (exclusion), or are inconclusive.
- Verification: If an identification is made, the conclusion must be verified by another fingerprint examiner. This step ensures the method's objective application and confirms the first technician's results. The second examiner may also verify the suitability of determinations made in the analysis phase.
*In particular, he coined the term ridgeology in 1982. He wrote a fundamental text on the subject, Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis. He published detailed discussions of ridgeology methods, including poroscopy, edgeoscopy, pressure distortion, and problem print analysis.