End-to-end connectivity solutions are an extension of legacy Ground-to-Air Networks. They are designed to guarantee dependable aircraft connectivity via multiple airborne relays and IP packet transmissions to deliver any type of service from command & control messages to ISR data. These solutions are based on the NEXEN secure smart communications server, which acts as an IP gateway with multiple security levels to route encrypted data from the Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) or ground centre to the aircraft to accelerate the OODA loop (Observe Orient Decide Act).
Today's armed forces frequently use stovepiped communication systems with a dedicated transmission system for each usage. To meet the increasing need for data, security and bandwidth on the battlefield, Thales has leveraged the latest technologies and innovations to propose an additional connectivity solution based on the NEXEN Secure Communications Server.
The NEXEN Secure Communications Server meets users' IP connectivity needs and offers a secure, simple-to-use solution tailored to the rigours of combat operations. The server is connected to all the platform's onboard transmission systems to offer resilient, end-to-end connectivity for multiple use cases, and will provide an ideal communication infrastructure for collaborative combat, ISR and many other battlefield applications.
Standardised connections
NEXEN is not simply a network controller: it improves connection quality, optimises the use of onboard communication resources and acts as a bridge between applications and radio equipment.
Theatre-wide connectivity
NEXEN creates a common network, resolving waveform compatibility issues and seamlessly connecting forward units and rear area operations.
Secure end-to-end communications
NEXEN encrypts messages independently of the radio and guarantees end-to-end data security, and can then transfer data via multiple nodes or across unsecured relays (civilian satcom, etc.).
Optimised resource utilisation
NEXEN automatically discovers the topology of the network and the characteristics of each connection to guarantee resilience and increase aircraft survivability.
Connectivity as a service
Communication capacities (messages, voice, video, etc.) are published into a Distributed Service Registry and disseminated across the network. NEXEN users subscribe to a capacity, make requests and receive real-time notifications of service availability. The different services are easy to access via an intuitive user interface that is as simple to use as a smartphone.
Main Features of NEXEN

- Architecture supporting independent multi-level security (Unclassified, Restricted, Secret, Sovereign)
- Embedded programmable or external hardware crypto
- Standard IP protocols
- Priority management of operational streams and characteristics
- Optimised routing algorithm
- Multi-hop and waveform switching transmissions
- DNS (Domain Name System) over the air and DNS Service Discovery (RFC 6763 and DNS Push Notifications)
- Scalable to add new applications or communication equipment
- Tailored interface for each carrier (combat aircraft, mission aircraft, etc.)

NEXEN features vs standard IP router
To enquire about our solutions, please use our dedicated contact form.