Thales: stringent security testing for electronic components we can all trust
At the Thales ITSEF (Information Technology Security Evaluation Facility) and Component Reliability, based in Toulouse, France, our testing team uncovers even the most well-hidden security flaws in your electronic systems. We can help you fix any issues with your product, and have it certified to the most demanding security standards.
Our ITSEF security experts offer a three-ponged service:
We test the resistance of your software, products and embedded systems to the latest cyber threats, in real-world-conditions, allowing you to validate your technology choices and developments. |
Our physical tests reveal flaws in your components, giving you a clearer picture of the lifespan of your electronic systems and enabling you to improve your procurement processes. |
Our evaluations allow you to gain - and maintain - certification to ANSSI (France's national agency for information system security), EMVCo and other cybersecurity standards. |
From expert evaluation to certification, staff at our ITSEF in Toulouse, offer an end-to-end service. Wedelve deep into your products to uncover any flaws that could jeopardise how they function:
• in harsh environments.
• perform in post-production.
• withstand cyber attacks.
Every aspect of your product or system - components, circuit boards, and embedded code and software - undergoes a series of rigorous test:
• Space qualification testing.
• Vulnerability and attack-path analysis.
• Predictive reliability testing.
• Material analysis (contamination & pollution).
• Environmental testing (climate, stress).
• Electrical testing (FPGA, ASIC,..).
• Penetration testing.
• Differential fault analysis (laser fault injection attack, side channel attack).
• Focused Ion Beam (FIB) circuit edit.
• Black box/grey box testing and backdoor analysis for electronic components.

Our evaluation reports tell you exactly which aspects require attention, and we can help you make the necessary fixes to keep your products or systems functioning at their best.
+ 33 (0)5 62 88 28 57
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