PureFlyt, the leader in connected FMS (Flight Management System)
The Thales PureFlyt Flight Management System (FMS) represents the pinnacle of commercial avionics evolution. PureFlyt embodies the design and engineering innovations stemming from Thales’ extensive FMS experience. Aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and pilots will benefit from PureFlyt’s unrivaled capabilities, performance, and reliability.
Thales PureFlyt is the most powerful FMS solution available today. PureFlyt minimizes crew workload, fatigue, and human error through ease of use, intuitive interface, and improved decision-making. At the same time, PureFlyt optimizes the aircraft trajectory for fuel consumption and reduces noise pollution.
With PureFlyt, Thales deploys new processes, reducing development costs and speeding up lifecycles, offering the capability to quickly implement new standards.
A powerful FMS reduces crew workload and fatigue
Thales’ advanced human factors engineering makes PureFlyt easier to use and more intuitive to operate than other FMS. PureFlyt computes a complete trajectory and predictions from take-off to the final approach: "What you see is what you fly!”. PureFlyt responds to inputs five to ten times faster than any other FMS, meaning pilots focus more on flying the aircraft than waiting for a FMS response.
Improved capabilities and decision-making for aviation safety
PureFlyt improves situational awareness and decision-making. It calculates the end-to-end trajectory, including horizontal and vertical flight profiles, with much greater accuracy than possible on earlier FMS solutions.
PureFlyt delivers advanced capabilities, including:
- Real-time path to rejoin a flight plan during vectored operations;
- Continuous Descent Approach (CDA);
- Precision approach including Instrument Landing System (ILS) GNSS Landing System (GLS);
- Non-precision approaches including: Area Navigation (RNAV), Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and Required Navigation Performance – Authorization Required (RNP-AR);
- Precision-Like Approach Guidance with Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) and FMS Landing System (FLS)
- Initial 4D Trajectory Management (I4D);
- Cruise optimization (safer Optimum Flight Level, improved step and constant mach segment)
- Improved energy management
- Future Air Navigation System (FANS) Air Traffic Control data link communication compatible FANS1/A – 3/C
- Enhanced Airline Operational Communication (AOC) data link communication
PureFlyt improves decision making by enriching the crew’s situational awareness of dynamically changing factors. The crew benefits from an FMS that continuously recomputes, displays and, when commanded, engages the safest, most effective, and most cost-efficient course of action.

Connected and intuitive FMS capabilities
PureFlyt offers a technological breakthrough and enhanced functionalities specifically designed with operators in mind. PureFlyt draws on both onboard and open-world data, such as weather information resulting in optimized flight, decreased fuel consumption, and improved passenger comfort.
When interconnected with the Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) application suite AvioBook, crews have access to an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) allowing them to quickly and accurately respond to dynamically changing conditions. Delays introduced by Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) and Air Traffic Control (ATC) updates, Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) clearance, holding patterns, rejoining a deviated flight path, weather disturbance avoidance and other events can easily be optimized.
This intuitive capability relieves the crew of the tedious, distracting, and time-consuming task of manually updating the flight plan through a complex sequence of FMS button-presses. Instead, the pilots use the intuitive EFB GUI and then verify the changes on PureFlyt before committing the changes to the active flight plan.
PureFlyt makes FMS operations faster, more intuitive, and less error prone.
Aircraft fuel consumption and emissions reduction optimization
PureFlyt is designed to reduce Direct Operating Costs.
PureFlyt uses an advanced cost index calculator to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions. With the powerful Aviobook inflight optimization apps, Fuel efficiency and CO2 and NOx emissions are 3% to 4% better than the previous generation of FMS solutions.
Thales’ advanced performance algorithms deliver significant improvements to fuel efficiency and noise abatement from take-off to landing. PureFlyt allows the crew to tailor each segment to achieve optimal performance while meeting regulatory constraints.
Proven and reliable FMS for a safer flight
Building upon a proven service record of over 6,000 commercial aircraft, Thales FMS have collectively flown over 200 Million flight-hours. For PureFlyt, Thales deploys a massive testing process based on big data analytics methods to conduct billions of test cases to validate FMS operations in both normal and unplanned circumstances. These test scenarios include realistic pilot inputs to the FMS and other system inputs, such as altitude setting changes, engine failure, timely and untimely flaps extension/retraction, Air Traffic Control (ATC) requests, and so on.
The PureFlyt dynamic self-correcting logic detects and corrects internal errors without impacting trajectory and guidance functions.

Growth potential and hardware modularity
PureFlyt relies on the last generation of hardware offering significant growth potential and improvements in terms of processing power. Thales relies on its strong expertise to continuously improve the reliability of the equipment offered. PureFlyt customers rely on a worldwide organization fully dedicated to support operators.
Connected and cyber-secured aircraft
Embedded cybersecurity mechanisms allow PureFlyt to interconnect with other systems – including EFBs. Thus, the connected FMS can deliver its full capability to operators and flight deck crews. PureFlyt relies on several distributed cybersecurity mechanisms to reinforce the in-depth defense (Detection, Logging & Reaction). These mechanisms foster a high end real-time cyber resilience to protect and maintain the Core FMS function, permitting uninterrupted and otherwise unaffected FMS operation.
Advanced navigation databases management
PureFlyt requires navigation databases available from all reputable providers, allowing airlines to optimize their subscription costs and logistics. The PureFlyt memory size will support navigation database growth until 2050. PureFlyt enables fast database data-loading through Ethernet.
The Brain of Tomorrow’s Aircraft
PureFlyt leads the industry as the most powerful, reliable, and connected FMS available today. Manufacturers will benefit from advanced capabilities and system reliability built upon the impeccable Thales FMS track record. Operators will benefit from improved fuel efficiency, optimized flight performance, and reduced lifecycle costs. Flight crew will benefit from a lower workload, a more intuitive interface, and safer operations.