Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. From our work in space oceanography which helps to keep tabs on climate change to 3D touchscreen displays used in military operations, we are always striving to better understand the world we live in.
For more than 20 years, Thales has developed laser systems with unprecedented performances to meet the needs of the most demanding scientific applications. Beyond their exceptional technical performances, these systems are extremely reliable and easy-to-use.
With 22 million inhabitants, Mexico City is the world’s third-largest metropolis and faces a complex set of public safety risks and security challenges.
ARTEMIS JU has recently decided to award a financial support to the project “PaPP - Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores”, in the frame of ARTEMIS program, presented to the 2011 call of proposals.
ARTEMIS JU has recently decided to award a financial support to the project “nSafeCer - Safety Certification of software-intensive systems with reusable components”, in the frame of ARTEMIS program, presented to the 2011 call of proposals.