TAS-E participates in project “nSafeCer - Safety Certification of software-intensive systems with reusable components” under ARTEMIS program, co-financed by EC and spanish MINETUR
Madrid, 14/04/2012 – ARTEMIS JU has recently decided to award a financial support to the project “nSafeCer - Safety Certification of software-intensive systems with reusable components”, in the frame of ARTEMIS program, presented to the 2011 call of proposals.
Software systems are becoming more and more relevant in all kind of industry domains and therefore, much more complex. This is leading to an increase of SW certification costs, especially in those domains with safety-relevant conditions such as Space On-board Computing. The ARTEMIS project SafeCer, a cross-domain project for software re-use and certification in several domains seeks to increase efficiency and reduced time-to-market by composable safety certification of safety relevant embedded systems. In order to achieve these objectives with the highest quality standards, the nSafeCer consortium encompasses expert collaborators in each domain and technology providers: large companies such as system integrators, SME as technology innovators and universities that provide cutting-edge perspectives.
TAS-E will develop for the project the Aerospace Demonstrator. This demonstrator will apply the SafeCer Generic Process Model for SW certification to a relevant SW functionality of on-board space systems through the use of a selection of SafeCer notations and tools. The results to be obtained from this study will be analyzed and compared to to the current ESA procedures and associated production costs, focusing on SW reuse capabilities, in order to assess the potential application of nSafeCer findings to ECSS standards. New tools and methodologies will be presented to the space community.
With this project TAS-E aims to apply concepts promoted within Harmonisation and IMA-SP (Integrated Modular Avionics in Space) activities, i.e: work with and reuse standardized Building Blocks through the use of Model Driven Engineering.
More information:
nSafeCer project is co-financed by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the ARTEMIS Call for Proposals 2011, under Grant Agreement number 295373, and national reference number ART-010000-2012-8.