TAS-E participates in project “PaPP - Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores” under ARTEMIS program, co-financed by EC and spanish MINETUR
Madrid, 14/09/2012 – ARTEMIS JU has recently decided to award a financial support to the project “PaPP - Portable and Predictable Performance on Heterogeneous Embedded Manycores”, in the frame of ARTEMIS program, presented to the 2011 call of proposals.
Technological and SW development makes embedded systems increasingly loaded with more and more demanding requirements on execution speed, schedulability and energy efficiency. Even more difficult is the task of implementing solutions coming from legacy SW systems or adopted from a different industry with different hardware characteristics.
The proposed project aims to make predictable performance in all phases of development, starting in system modeling, allowing early specification, performance analysis of systems and their adaptation to different HW platforms, including an adapting runtime system. During the project, the methods and tools developed are evaluated in a number of cases of industrial representative of three important application areas for European industry: Multimedia, Mobile Communications and Avionics Aerospace. This approach ensures that methods and tools developed are useful and effective.
In order to achieve these objectives with the highest quality standards, the consortium encompasses expert collaborators in each domain and technology providers:
- Large companies such as application generators, platform vendors and system integrators.
- SME as technology innovators.
- Research institutes and universities that provide cutting-edge perspectives.
As a major aerospace company, TAS-E is responsible for avionics aerospace demonstrator, using a multi-core microprocessor qualified by ESA, built inside an FPGA valid for use in high radiation environments. TAS-E also leads the WP aimed at the selection of other HW platforms involved in the project. This project will serve the company to acquire knowledge and be at the forefront of multicore computing for space applications, an important component that although there has long been present in terrestrial applications, it is new in flight products due to the harsh technological restrictions that spatial sector entails.
More information:
PaPP project is co-financed by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the ARTEMIS Call for Proposals 2011, under Grant Agreement number 295440, and national reference number ART-010000-2012-06.