La integración en España de las cargas útiles de comunicaciones por satélite de SPAINSAT NG en las salas limpias de Thales Alenia Space en Tres Cantos supone un gran paso adelante para la industria espacial española
Madrid, 5 de junio de 2023 – El Módulo de...
El Centro de Personalización de Tarjetas de Thales, situado en Parets del Vallès, en Barcelona mejora su eficiencia energética gracias a la inversión realizada el año pasado a través de los fondos FEDER, en línea con la estrategia de Thales de reducir a cero las emisio...
• The alliance will foster synergies between the two companies in defence, security, aerospace, naval, digital transformation and cybersecurity.
• The collaboration envisages the development and commercialisation of systems using complementary products from both compan...
Roma, 11 de mayo de 2023 - Thales Alenia Space, la sociedad conjunta constituida entre Thales (67 %) y Leonardo (33 %), ha sido galardonada con el premio Employer Brand 2023, colocándose en tercera posición en la clasificación de las empresas más atractivas,...
Thales annonce aujourd’hui la publication du Thales Data Threat Report 2023, son rapport annuel sur les dernières menaces, tendances et sujets émergents en matière de sécurité des données, basé sur une enquête menée auprès de près de 3 000 professionnels des systems d’...
As a driving force in the second quantum revolution, Thales has joined forces with around twenty deep tech, academic and industry partners, as part of the EuroQCI initiative (European Quantum Communication Infrastructure), which aims to deploy a quantum communication i...
April 12, 2023 - Thales Alenia Space, the joint venture between Thales (67%) and Leonardo (33%), and its partners are pleased to announce that the VERTIGO project has concluded with the successful demonstration of a high-power optical data transmission syste...
Toulouse, April 6, 2023 – Following the communications satellite contract signed in September 2022, KT SAT Corporation Ltd. (KT SAT), the leading satellite service provider in South Korea, and Thales Alenia Space, the joint company between Thales (67%) and L...
The independent Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) has approved Thales’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2030. This confirms the compatibility of these objectives with the Paris climate agreement.