TAS-E participates in project EMC2 "Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments" under ARTEMIS program, co-financed by EC and Spanish MINETUR"
Madrid, 15/05/2014 – ARTEMIS JU has recently decided to award a financial support to the project EMC2: "Embedded multi-core systems for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments", in the frame of ARTEMIS program, presented to the 2013 call of proposals.

Embedded systems are the key innovation driver to improve mechatronic products with cheaper and even new functionalities. They support today’s information society as inter-system communication enabler. Consequently, boundaries of application domains are alleviated and ad-hoc connections and interoperability play an increasing role.
A major industrial challenge arises from the need to face cost efficient integration of different applications with different levels of safety and security on a single computing platform in an open context. Multi-core and many-core computing platforms have to significantly improve system (and application) integration, efficiency and performance.
The objective of the EMC² project is to foster these changes through an innovative and sustainable service-oriented architecture approach for mixed criticality applications in dynamic and changeable real-time environments.
EMC² is part of the European Embedded Systems industry strategy to maintain its leading edge position by providing solutions for:
- Dynamic Adaptability in Open Systems
- Utilization of expensive system features only as Service-on-Demand in order to reduce the overall system cost
- Handling of mixed criticality applications under real-time conditions
- Scalability and utmost flexibility
- Full scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle
- Power supply challenges from dynamic operational changes in MCMC real time systems
EMC² is an attempt to bundle the power for innovation of 98 partners from embedded industry and research from 19 European countries. The EMC² embedded system approach will force the breakthrough and deployment of Multi-Core technology in almost all application domains where real-time and mixed-criticality are issues, and therefore strengthen the competitiveness of the European Embedded System industry. The project is organized in a structure with horizontal and vertical activities closely linked to each other:
- Horizontal activities: So-called technological work packages (WP1-WP6) will develop dedicated technologies required for the development in implementation of embedded, mixed-criticality multi-core systems.
- Vertical activities: So-called living labs (WP7-WP12) include several demonstrators for mixed-criticality embedded systems aiming at the same application domain. Each task in a living lab represents a use case. Technologies developed in WP1-WP6 will be applied and evaluated in the dedicated use cases of the living labs.
In the Space domain this project is targeting to proof the validity of different Multi-Processor Based system architectures and related development methodologies and tool chains, opening new application domains to the use of multi-cores
TASE has been selected to lead the Spanish consortium of the project EMC2. This project contributes to the Digital Product Roadmap aimed at obtaining flexible and reconfigurable space qualified architectures for video and data processing. Under this project different multicore solutions based on the MPPB architecture proposed by ESA and other candidate architectures will be developed and breadboarded as well as integrated with cutting edge multicore design and simulation tools developed by other partners that will be spinned into the space domain. These developments and tool integrations will be performed inside a specific cooperation environment called "Living Lab". TASE and TASI will co-lead this "Space Living Lab" included in EMC2. This success guarantees the continuity of the activity started by TASE with PaPP and nSafeCer in 2011.
The ARTEMIS JTI is implemented as a Joint Undertaking (JU) which is a public-private partnership between the European Commission, the ARTEMIS Member States and the ARTEMIS Industry Association. This Association represents the research community, including Industry (large, small and medium sized companies), universities and research institutes. ARTEMIS-IA members define and maintain the strategic, technical work plan on behalf of ARTEMIS-JU, for implementation in ARTEMIS-JU funded projects. ARTEMIS aims to tackle the research and structural challenges faced by European industry by defining and implementing a coherent Research Agenda for Embedded Computing Systems. The ARTEMIS JU manages and co-ordinates research activities through open calls for proposals through a 10-year, €2.5 billion research programe on Embedded Computing Systems.
More information:
EMC2 project is co-financed by ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking and Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the ARTEMIS Call for Proposals 2013, under Grant Agreement number 621429, and national reference number ART-010000-2014-1.