The Thales share is listed on Euronext Paris (Compartment A).
It is also eligible to the SRD deferred settlement system.
Code & tickers
- ISIN Code: FR0000121329
- Reuters: TCFP.PA
- Bloomberg: HO FP
Share indices
The Thales share is included in many market indices, including : CAC 40, CACSBT1.5, SBF120, CAC Industrials, EN VIGEO EUR 120, Euronext 100, DJ Eurostoxx, FTSE Euro 300, etc.
Share price evolution
Total number of shares and voting rights
On 31 December 2024:
Number of shares: |
205,941,913 |
Treasury shares: | 628,731 |
Number of shares excluding treasury shares: | 205,313,182 |
Voting rights |
- theoretical number: |
301,940,859 (including treasury stocks) |
- exerciseable number: |
301,312,128 |
In order to see up-to-date total number of shares and voting rights, please see our latest publications on the following link: Releases & Publications | Thales Group.
Shareholding structure
On 31 Dec. 2024 |
Shares | in % | Voting rights | in % |
French State (a) | 54,788,714 | 26.60% | 109,577,428 | 36.37% |
Dassault Aviation | 54,750,000 | 26.59% | 90,069,349 | 29.89% |
Thales |
628,731 |
0.31% |
- |
- |
Employees | 6,558,307 | 3.18% | 11,978,499 | 3,98 % |
Other shareholders | 89,216,161 | 43.32% | 89,686,852 | 29.76% |
Total | 205,941,913 | 100.00% | 301,283,663 | 100.00% |
On 30 June 2024 |
Shares | in % | Voting rights | in % |
French State (a) | 54,788,714 | 26.06% | 109,577,428 | 36.32% |
Dassault Aviation | 52,750,000 | 26.05% | 90,419,349 | 29.97% |
Thales |
4,830,549 |
2.30% |
- |
- |
Employees | 5,872,104 | 2.79 % | 11,225,576 | 3.72 % |
Other shareholders | 89,968,773 | 43.80 % | 90,470,851 | 29.99 % |
Total | 210,210,140 | 100.00% | 301,693,204 | 100.00% |
(a) Participations held by the French State and TSA, its 100% subsidiary
(*) More details can be found in the latest Universal Registration Document
Dividend policy
The Annual General Meeting of Thales approved on 15 May 2024, the distribution of a dividend of €3.40 per share for the financial year 2023. This level corresponds to a payout ratio of 40% of the adjusted net income, Group share, per share.
The General Meeting noted that, as an interim dividend of €0.80 per share was paid on 7 December 2023 and taken from retained earnings, the balance of the dividend to be paid amounts to €2.60 per share.
The ex-dividend date was 21 May 2024 and the balance of the dividend has been paid on 23 May 2024. This dividend has been paid fully in cash and amounted to €2.60 per share, after deducing the interim dividend of €0.80 per share.
Dividends are paid to the holder of the share according to law and the articles of association. The Company uses the Euroclear direct payment procedure, which allows each shareholder to receive the dividend on the payment date.
In accordance with new article 158-3-2 of the French tax code, the dividend qualifies for the 40% reduction applicable to individual shareholders resident in France for tax purposes. This reduction is not applicable to other shareholders.
Dividends paid in respect of the last five years
For the Full-Year* | 2023 | 2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
Paid dividents (€) |
3.40 | 2.94 |
2.56 |
1.76 |
0.60 |
* An interim dividend is usually paid in December of the year N and the balance of the dividend is usually paid in May of the following year, after the approval of the AGM.