Thales in Czech Republic
Thales has been conducting business and developing its presence in Czech Republic for over 20 years providing its customers with technologically advanced solutions for the Defence & Security, Digital Identity & Security, Aerospace & Space domains. The office located in Prague also hosts an Engineering Competence Centre (ECC) employing over 350 people, focusing especially on Digital Identity and Security.
Local cooperation
Thales’ development strategy in Czech Republic is strongly rooted in a commitment of collaboration with local partners. The solutions developed by Thales over the years continue to be integrated into the Czech market. An example of this includes the space domain in which Thales has been cooperating for over 10 years with local stakeholders and supporting the development of local industry. Thales is constantly investing in its Engineering Competence Centre to ramp-up its current capabilities and digital competences to better support local industry.


In the Defence & Security sector, several communication- and radar solutions have been provided by Thales to support the Czech Republic in national security matters. Czech special forces operate Thales VHF and HF radios. The company also supports the MoD with Ground Air Ground (GAG) communication programmes led by NATO. The Czech Ministry of Defence and the special forces benefit from Thales SQUIRE radars which were delivered in 2016. The SQUIRE Ground Surveillance Radar is capable of detecting small unmanned vehicles, and it can also be used to protect civil infrastructures like airports or rail infrastructure.
Digital Identity & Security
Thales has a strong presence in the digital sector in Czech Republic through its Engineering Competence Center (ECC) located in Prague. Over 350 people of 40 different nationalities work in 30 teams covering several product lines. The ECC develops and implements solutions for ID card, biometric passport and Digital Identity issuance and management, biometric solutions for civil usage, law enforcement and border management as well as secured e-banking and e-payment solutions and mobile telecom Over-the-Air eSIM provisioning and management. The export business accounts for 95% of the Thales local activity with projects delivered by Thales from Prague to customers mainly in Europe but also in the Middle East, Asia, North and South America and Africa. In the Czech Republic, Thales provides the Chip modules for national ID card and the biometric data page for the Czech biometric passport.

Thales has seconded several of its engineers to the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) in Prague, and regularly participates in calls for tender issued by the ESA, together with local industry and universities. As an example, Thales started working with the local industry 10 years ago when it co-developed, together with Frentech Aerospace, a precision motor for solar panels.
For the past 20 years, Thales has delivered several generations of Air Traffic Management systems (ATM) from the EuroCat2000 system to the new generation TopSky-ATC solution. Since 2015, Thales has been the preferred partner of ANSCR (Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic) in equipping the air traffic control center in Prague. Thales continues to provide new functions (software updates) to the various air traffic control and management centers to meet EUROCONTROL standard requirements and maintain the radars in place. In this regard, the company delivered Navigational Air Systems (NAVAIDS) including DVOR, ILS and TACA.

News and events

Events in Czech Republic
Thales regularly participates in many events to showcase its expertise and solutions. Browse our events calendar and check possible events planned in Czech Republic.

Careers at Thales in Czech Republic
Contact us in Czech Republic
Thales in Czech Republic
Zeletavska 1448/7,
Prague 4, 140 00
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 241 051 555