Thales makes the CDP Climate A-List for the first time in an endorsement of its environmental transparency and actions to fight climate change
Paris – Thales has joined the Climate A-List drawn up by CDP (formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project), confirming its place among the companies that are leading the way forward in environmental transparency and commitment on climate change.
The annual CDP scores are considered the global benchmark on companies' environmental transparency and their actions to raise climate awareness and mitigate the risks associated with climate change. The scores also recognise the best practices in place within these organisations.
Thales is one of 346 companies to have obtained an "A" score, out of a total of 21,000 that were rated in 2023.
This score reflects the Group's proactive engagement with climate change over the last several years, the robust action it has taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and its consistent strategy for a low carbon future, which was first introduced in 2018.
Thales joined the Paris stock exchange's CAC SBT 1.5° index in 2023 following the validation of its 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction objectives by the SBTi (Science-Based Targets Initiative).
"Environmental protection is a major strategic objective for Thales. I would like to thank all the teams who contributed to this recognition from the CDP.This achievement is a result of our constant efforts to accelerate the roll-out of our strategy for a low-carbon future across every aspect of our operations. We continue to forge ahead with the deployment of eco-design to all our new products, providing innovative solutions which reduce our environmental impact and that of our customers." Patrice Caine, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Thales
CDP at a glance
Formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies. Fully aligned with the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures), CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world, and its scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero-carbon, sustainable and resilient economy.
CDP uses a detailed, independent methodology to score organisations on three themes: climate change, forests and water security. Scores ranging from A to F are attributed on the basis of the exhaustiveness of the disclosures and the organisation's environmental risk mitigation performance. Additional criteria include environmental awareness and leadership and the organisation's record of setting ambitious, meaningful environmental objectives.
"A place on the A-List is more than a matter of obtaining a high score. It reflects an organisation's commitment to disclosing the comprehensive, high-quality data needed to provide a holistic vision of its environmental impact. The score can also be a valuable indicator for companies to baseline their transition plans and follow through on their ambitions." Sherry Madera, CDP of CEO
In 2023, over 740 financial institutions with more than $136 trillion in assets urged companies to disclose environmental data through the CDP platform to assess their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities.