Improving hospitals' time efficiency via our connected radiology platform
Thales’s expert knowledge in digital technology as well as in hardware and software systems has enabled the company to become a market leader in major innovation fields such as Cloud computing, Connectivity and Artificial Intelligence.
Thales is proud to launch its unique Connected Radiology platform which will bring multiple benefits to the efficiency of hospitals through the non-stop use of radiology systems, meaning that the disruption of patient workflow will now be a problem of the past!
This platform will allow equipment manufacturers to monitor their complete fleet of systems in real time. Thanks to connectivity, systems manufacturers as well as hospitals will now be constantly up-to-date with how their equipment and subsystems are functioning.
Our monitors analyse data received from equipment and predict when the equipment might break down by looking at the average lifespan of machines and their daily usage in the field. Predicting this helps manufacturers renew the equipment or fix potential faults before they become an actual problem.
This means hospitals will be more efficient and will provide a higher quality service. Our Connected Radiology platform gives equipment manufacturers complete control of their systems all around the world, enabling them to update their system software in various countries simultaneously by just the click of a button! Additionally, with Thales’s strong competencies in cybersecurity, the platform is fully cyber-secured, preventing it from any kind of security threat.
Join us at the 2020 ECR event where we will be pleased to discuss and share with you all our innovations at stand 10 – Foyer D.