Thales supports sustainable UK recovery

Alex Cresswell, Chairman and CEO of Thales UK, alongside leaders of more than 100 renowned companies, charities, universities, and trade associations has called on the UK Government to ensure the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the heart of the UK’s Covid-19 recovery plans. The Sustainable Development Goals provide us with a blueprint to end poverty and inequality, and put climate action, health, wellbeing and job creation at the heart of Covid-19 recovery plans in the UK.
Thales Group signed the United Nations (UN) Global Compact in 2003, which is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies that support UN goals. Thales Group globally, for an 8th successive year, has met the advanced criteria with regards to the Global Compact. For the third year running, Thales has been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as the world’s leading company in the defence and aerospace category. Sustainability forms a key part of our corporate responsibility programme.
Together the 17 Goals provide us with an internationally agreed framework, which also works at national, regional and local levels, alongside and reinforcing existing plans and commitments. They enable Government to work cross-departmentally and with stakeholders to create programmes and policies that are coherent with the needs of our economy, society and environment both domestically and internationally.
As part of commitment to the UN SDGs, Thales in the UK has continued to reduce it CO2 from electricity and gas consumption year on year. In total, the business has seen a 13% reduction in consumption usage from Carbon Reduction Commitment reporting year 2017/2018 to 2018/2019. This was coupled with a 14.5% CO2 reduction from the baseline year of 2018 to 2019.
Our UK business has made continuous efforts to reduce its CO2 output year on year since 2010. This has been done by implementing a range of initiatives such as improved building operating principles, property consolidation and energy saving initiatives. These have included the introduction of solid state Chillers at certain sites and LED lighting throughout UK with Passive Infra-Red light activation.
Thales is aware of its responsibility in addressing the challenges faced in society and the changes brought about by new technology and climate change, along with the need to step up the response to attain the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We look forward to continuing to work with our customers, partners and colleagues to achieve these ambitious goals.
Read more about our sustainability activity here.

Read the letter in full here