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Thales awards PhD scholarships

The partnership established between Thales and Instituto Superior Técnico continues to bear fruit.
Thales decided to award two PhD scholarships to PhD students in Transportation Systems, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Engineering and Management, Information Systems and Computer Engineering, and Information Security.

According to  João Mira, Technology and Innovation Manager at Thales, this initiative is part of the company’s lines of action.

The research carried out at Thales and in collaboration with universities is one of the focus point at Thales.

These scholarships are renewed annually up to a maximum duration of three years. The student is expected to spend at least 20% of the time in the facilities of Thales Portugal, located in Paço de Arcos. This is the first time that the company awards two PhD scholarships and “we won’t stop here”, highlights the Technology and Innovation Manager at Thales.

This involvement with the academic world concerning knowledge production safeguards Thales’ position at the cutting edge of the technological development and attracts “top talent produced by the universities”, explains João Mira.