Predictive maintenance
On the basis of data analytics and engineering expertise, the Predictive maintenance contributes to the availability of equipment detecting the need for maintenance service before failure.
What’s the innovation?
Innovative techniques are based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence analytics. These new prediction models imply as well cyber secured interconnected information systems to transmit and store data that can be collected anytime and anywhere.
What Does it bring in operations?
Predictive maintenance improves combat readiness by anticipating failures and calling out maintenance needs. It allows for matching the force required with the adequate resource in terms of equipment and manpower, consequently lowering the logistical support costs. Components being replaced before breakdowns occur, it increases aircraft availability and, by definition, mission success. It consequently means that the cost per flight-hour goes down.
The air forces can focus on their core role of defence—their equipment remaining fully operable, mission relevant, and able to fulfil their vital 24/7 role.

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