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The Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC) General Session and Aviation Maintenance Conference (AMC) join together in one location to bring together industry experts from around the world. The AEEC General Session and AMC provide opportunities to explore common issues and advancements in the industry through discussion and technical symposiums.
The AEEC General Session marks the culmination of the years' standards development work. New ARINC Standards are discussed and approved at this meeting. Additionally, the AEEC initiates the work program and schedule for the coming year. The AEEC General Session is an ideal opportunity for aviation industry professionals to obtain an overview of the important technical developments in air transport avionics and other aircraft electronics.
The objectives of AMC are to promote reliability and to reduce operating and life cycle costs of air transport components by improving maintenance and support techniques through the exchange of technical information. In the forum created by the AMC, the airlines have various opportunities to influence and determine future directions in system and component design, reliability, and cost effectiveness. Speaking in the context of their daily operations, airlines can bring together ideas for improved standardized maintenance concepts and providing valuable feedback to the equipment manufacturers. 
About the organizer:  AEEC, AMC, and FSEMC are aviation industry activities organized by ARINC Industry Activities, an industry program of SAE Industry Technologies Consortia (ITC), to establish consensus technical standards, known globally as ARINC Standards, and develop shared technical solutions that no one organization could accomplish independently.