Expertise in Maritime Applications
Together, the location at Wilhelmshaven and the location in Kiel form Thales Deutschland’s marine competency centre, which offers its customers and partners – above all the German Navy and the shipyards – optimal proximity. Wilhelmshaven, home to Germany’s largest naval base, is also home to three areas of competence for maritime deployments.
Weapon control and command system
Networking reconnaissance, command and action systems is considered an essential capability for modern armed forces around the world in the competition for information superiority (collaborative combat/sensor-to-shooter). Weapon control and command systems and tactical data links are part of such communications systems and also part of the core competencies at the location in Wilhelmshaven. In numerous projects, Thales employees have built up excellent knowledge in software development, maintenance and modification, as well as the associated integration and tests.
Maritime training systems
The location in Lower Saxony also develops and produces maritime training systems (tactical and strategic trainers). They are being used successfully at the German Navy (navy tactical and process trainer TVT-M and the process trainer VT-MOS), at the Polizeischule Hamburg (Hamburg Police Academy) and as an export (action speed tactical trainers and naval fleet strategic trainers). The trainers can map the capabilities of the ships, boats and aircraft belonging to the navy and security authorities in realistic scenarios and convey the theoretical content of the training programme so it is relevant to practice.
Logistical supervision
As a long-standing partner of the German Navy providing support for radar and fire control systems and weapon control and command systems, Thales Deutschland offers the entire spectrum of logistical supervision at its location in Wilhelmshaven. It includes, among other things, logistical analyses, technical documentation and training programmes as part of ensuring maturity of supply and replacement parts supply, maintenance and extensive system support services during the usage phase.
Expanding expertise for replacement parts supply with an availability guarantee for Thales equipment in the German Navy is part of the transformation into a service hub. The location in Wilhelmshaven is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and AQAP 2110/2210.